Bio Chandra Wickramasinghe


Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe

chandra bio pic

Personal website:
Buckingham astrobiology website:
Ruhuna astrobiology website:
ISPA website:

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe is an internationally acclaimed astronomer and one of the foremost pioneers of modern astrobiology. Chandra is famous for his pioneering studies on the carbonaceous nature of cosmic dust and the prevalence of extraterrestrial life. He is a recipient of several international awards and honorary doctorates and was a former Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge and a Professor at Cardiff University for 40 years.

He is currently an Honorary Professor and Director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham, an Honorary Professor and Director of the University of Ruhuna Centre for Astrobiology Sri Lanka, Honorary Professor at the Sir John Kotelawala Defence University of Sri Lanka, Associate Professor the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka.  He is also a founder member of the newly-formed Institute for the Study of Panspermia and Astro-economics in Gifu, Japan. He has written over 30 books and 300 scientific papers, over 60 of these being in the journal Nature.