Daniel Sheehan
In-Depth Bio: https://danielpsheehan.com/about/biography
Websites: https://romeroinstitute.org/
Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. For close to five decades, Dan’s work as a Federal Civil Rights Attorney, Author, Public Speaker and College and Law School Educator has helped expose the structural sources of injustice in our country and around the world. He has protected the fundamental and inalienable rights of our world’s citizens and has elucidated a compelling and inspiring vision for the future direction of our human family. Dan’s dedication to this vision and his work have placed him at the center of many of the most important legal cases and social movements of our generation.
Daniel Sheehan is president and co-founder of the Romero Institute and the former president and co-founder of the Christic Institute. Daniel has helped lead more than a dozen lawsuits of historic importance, including three Supreme Court cases. Among the lawsuits Mr. Sheehan has joined are as follows:
- The Pentagon Papers Case (New York Times Co. v United States)
- Eisenstadt v. Baird
- In re Pappas: Branzburg v. Hayes
- The Watergate Burglary Case (United States v. George Gordon Liddy, et al.)
- The Wounded Knee Trials
- Morton v. Mancari
- The Karen Silkwood Case (Silkwood v. Kerr McGee)
- The Three-Mile Island Case (PIRC v. Three Mile Island)
- The American Sanctuary Movement Case (U.S. v. Stacey Lynn Merkt, et al.)
- The Greensboro Massacre Case (Waller v. Butkovich)
The Iran-Contra Affair (Civil) Case (Avirgan v. Hull, et al)