Bio – Marilyn Schlitz

Marilyn Schlitz‘s Items:   CLICK ON COVERS TO BUY

1-Living Deeply

The Art & Science of Transformation in Everyday Life





2- Consciousness & Healing

Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine





3-Worldview Explorations Publications








Transformation and Healing at the Convergence of Science and Spiritual Practice





Marilyn Schlitz, PhD

Marilyn Schlitz, PhD is a life coach who draws on her extensive experience as a social anthropologist, researcher, writer, and charismatic public speaker. She is the Dean of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology at Sofia University and serves as President Emeritus and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. For more than three decades, Marilyn has been a leader in the field of consciousness studies. Her research and extensive publications focus on personal and social transformation, cultural pluralism, extended human capacities, and mind body medicine. She has a depth of leadership experience in government, business, and the not-for-profit sectors. Her broad and varied work has given her a unique ability to help individuals and organizations identify and develop personal and interpersonal skills and capacities needed by 21st century leaders. Her books include: Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind Body Medicine; Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life; and Death Makes Life Possible.