
Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  – KyntheaTimothyAnnetta

Show Items


David’s Items:

1- David Lindsay speak out at a C.L.E.A.R. rally in Kelowna, Canada



2- The Case Against Masks: Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should be Limited
    by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively



3- The Coronation Oath of the Monarch in the UK/Canada and enshrining the supremacy of God in our Constitution and what this means for gov’ts.

William and Mary, 1688: An Act for Establishing the Coronation Oath.



4- The book is called, The Annotated Criminal Charging Procedure in Canada, which is designed to teach people how they can lay their own criminal charges if the police refuse to so do, with a particular emphasis on charging gov’t officials who are breaking the law. 

$150 CDN, Cheques are acceptable. Payable to David Lindsay,
just listing the purchase on the cheque.

Click On Back Cover to See Contents



5- Person Tour – 5 part DVD Set

This is the cover and contents of our criminal charging book. Because this right is firmly embedded in the common law, David believes that each US State will have similar procedures for laying charges as well. We strongly urge this as a powerful tool for bringing corrupt gov’t officials to be held accountable for their actions. All contents in our book are hyperlinked as well for ease of reference.

Our DVD series, consists of five DVDs and one CD. In this series, David analyzes the hierarchy of law in Canada, from the Monarch through to the judiciary and police. The primary components however follow this basic understanding. David deals with the issue of personhood and defining exactly what property is, which for the most part is synonymous with U.S. law in this area. Most people still conceptualize property as a tangible item, whereas legally speaking it is not, it is a collection of rights, or a claim to something. This fundamental difference has striking implications for example, when we refer to issues such as one’s labour, skills and knowledge.

The DVD series is sent by mail at the present time, though we are in the process of putting them on USB stick instead of discs.

$150 CDN, Cheques are acceptable. Payable to David Lindsay,
just listing the purchase on the cheque.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall Penticton,
British Columbia Canada V2A 8K8.


6- Masks4Canada

Canada COVID-19 School Case Tracker




7- Full Documentary The Money Masters



8- Tanya Gaw from Action4Canada is initiating a fundraiser in order to commence legal action against the BC government.

Here is the link to the donation page.

Action4Canada is a grassroots movement reaching out to millions of Canadians and UNITING our voices in opposition to the destructive policies tearing at the fabric of this nation.

Through Call To ACTION campaigns, we equip citizens to take action.
We are committed to protecting…FAITH, FAMILY and FREEDOM

Our mission is to protect Canada’s rich heritage which is founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Inherited through our British Commonwealth and embedded in the Magna Carta it forms our laws and values and is a system of governance which sets us apart from totalitarian, communist and socialist regimes. Giving Canadians the freedom to believe, or not to believe, without fear of persecution.



9- The Grand Solution assembly that was held Saturday, August 29th at Bertram Regional Park in Kelowna, BC Canada.

From left to right: Susann Czekus, Donna Roth,
Darlene Ondi and David Lindsay.

Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  –



Kynthea’s Items:

1- RFK Jr. & Children’s Health Defense Sue University of California For Making Flu Shot Mandatory



2- College COVID Prisons

Our college campuses have been turned into virtual maximum-security prisons based upon the deception that a mere medical test results, in the absence of any disease symptoms, can be counted as a coronavirus “case.” This contradicts the standard medical definition of a disease “case” which requires that the patient present at least some of the symptoms medically agreed upon to be necessary for the disease diagnosis. In other words,  actual disease symptoms should determine a disease diagnosis and not mere test results alone – especially when the tests are unreliable and not originally designed for medical diagnosis.

Horowitz: Anatomy of a ‘CASEdemic’: Over 1,300 reported coronavirus cases at U of Alabama … zero hospitalizations – TheBlaze




3- The Top 37 Covid-Prison Universities

We are told that there is a deadly pandemic that necessitates prison-like controls and surveillance in our universities. Yet the statistics tell a different story. Questionable tests have generated over 48,000 so-called “positive” results but there have been only 2 hospitalizations and zero deaths in the 37 universities surveyed. Furthermore, we don’t even know if those two hospitalizations had anything at all to do with Covid-19. Does this really look like a deadly pandemic worthy of a lockdown or some kind of diabolical scam?

IT’S A SCAM: After 48,299 COVID-19 Cases at 37 US Universities – Only 2 Hospitalizations and ZERO Deaths — More Likely to Be Killed By a Dog

There have now been 48,299 coronavirus cases reported at 37 universities in the United States. Of those cases there have been ONLY 2 hospitalizations. And there have been ZERO DEATHS! They couldn’t even sneak in a cancer victim into their counts because no one died! Via Dr. Andrew Bostom: 9/22/20 update on C19 among students…



 4- Michigan Supreme Court Strikes Down Governor’s Emergency Powers Law



5- Pandemic is Over says Chief Scientist

x-Chief Science Officer for Pfizer: “Second Wave” Likely Conjured Up by Flawed Test, “Pandemic Is Over” – Anti-Empire

Ex-Chief Science Officer for Pfizer: “Second Wave” Likely Conjured Up by Flawed Test, “Pandemic Is Over” Chief Pfizer Scientific Officer of 16 years: “more than half of the positives are likely to be false, potentially all of them”


6- A Message for All The “Crazy Conspiracy Theorists” and Healers of The World.



7- StopCensoringDoctors.com – Medical Doctors Around the World are Being Censored for Saying COVID-19 Restrictions are not Medically Justified



8 – Covid Tyranny Spreads to Another Australian State

Australian state law empowers officials to forcibly remove underwear to administer vaccine | News | LifeSite

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, September 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — The state of Western Australia has legislated to allow police officers or other “authorized officers” to restrain individuals and, if …


9- China’s Global Lock-down Propaganda Campaign

China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign – Tablet Magazine

Inside the CCP’s use of social media bots and other disinformation tactics to promote its own response to the coronavirus pandemic and attack its critics.

By understanding the psychological manipulations and deceptions done by Communist China to induce global lockdowns, one has a major key to understand all that is and will be happening regarding the COVID-19 Plandemic.

It is a chilling prospect to consider that the psychological COVID warfare now being waged on the world by Communist China may be just the prelude to executing even more diabolical schemes of imposing Communist tyranny on the rest of the world. The Covid Plandemic might eventually be viewed as the opening phase of what will become a more overt war against the non-communist world.

Michael P. Senger is an attorney and researcher based in Atlantic, Georgia – home of the CDC.




10- Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Stop the Machine and Defend Our Humanity



11- Warning: Judge Amy Barrett is for Forced Vaccination


“I am not a fan of loud-mouth Alex Jones but I respect the insights of his guest Attorney Robert Barnes. If you can tolerate Jones’ huge, brash ego for a few minutes, it may be worth listening to the whole interview for the wisdom Barnes offers. Please see link below.

       As a retired college professor, I found particularly insightful the distinction that Barnes made, toward the end of the interview, between a law student who is just a memorizer versus one who has deep understanding of the subject studied.”   – John Francis



12 – Facebook’s former director of monetization says Facebook intentionally made its product as addictive as cigarettes — and now he fears it could cause ‘civil war’


Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  – KyntheaTimothyAnnetta


Timothy’s Items:

1- The Corbett Report





2- The Ice Age Farmer

CLIMATE LOCKDOWN” – The End Game Becomes Clear: Post-Human Future








4- The Crow House




5- Dr. Vernon Coleman

Revealed: How the BBC is Deliberately Suppressing the Truth



6- The Canadian Republic: A Proclamation of Independence



7- The Richie Allen Show – Monday September 28th 2020




8- The Crow House





9- Boris Johnson faces rebellion over chaotic coronavirus handling: Stop Project Fear! – Tory MP Swayne



10- Corbett ReportGoogle Tries to Burn LBRY…But LBRY Fights Back



11- Interview

27 SEPT 2020



12- Interview – Dr HEIKO SCHÖNING

German Professor Arrested After Speaking At “We Do Not Consent” Rally In London



13- Sir Desmond Swayne Conservative MP slams Mr. Johnson’s medical chief asking for them to be sacked for overcooking their charts to deliberately create fear. 




14- Dr Rashid A Buttar

Public Broadcast Webinar announcement




15- Richie Allen Radio Show

The Monologue. Richie Rounds Up The Days Biggest Stories – Tuesday September 29th 2020



16- The Dollar Vigilante





17- The Crow House





18- Dr Pamela Popper

Restrictions and Lockdowns: Good News and Bad News From States



19- Dr Andrew Kaufman & DavidIcke

Operation Moon Shot




20- The Richie Allen Show, Wednesday, September 30th, 2020



21- An Interesting Website




22- Dr. Carrie Madej with Dr. Andrew Kaufman on vaccines, hydrogel, and secret government programs




23- Dr Pamela Popper

More on the Masks – Don’t Miss!!



24- Another Interesting Website

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order




25- Dr Vernon Coleman

Why I Believe Politicians and Advisors Will Go to Prison




26- The Corbett Report





27- The Ice Age Farmer
GREEN SABBATH: Sunday Lockdowns for “Gaia” & Jubilee for the Earth


Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  – KyntheaTimothyAnnetta


Annetta’s Items:

1- Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order


Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  –



David Lindsay

David Lindsay is a Canadian from Winnipeg, Manitoba. He now resides in a gorgeous area of the Okanagan.
David has been involved in freedom issues for approx 30 yrs.
He began learning that income tax was unconstitutional and shortly thereafter discovered the most important criminal activity in our society ~ usury. David learned about how the financial system truly works by creating money from nothing and demanding payment and compound interest which of course is never created at source, only the principle.
David then started C.L.E.A.R., the Common Law Education and Rights Initiative. As the name implies, the organization advocates for a correct understanding and application of the common law, which surprisingly to many comes from The Bible.
David wrote his first book, Rights Denied, on the nature of our Constitutional Right to the free use of public highways. Other books on disclosure law in Canada and the only book on how to lay private criminal charges in Canada, The Annotated Criminal Charging Procedure in Canada. In addition, David created a 6 part DVD series called, Freedom is the Denial of Personhood.
Most importantly, he deals with the Coronation Oath of the Monarch which severely limits the power to pass legislation that denies us any of our rights and freedoms.
David has helped many in the court system, and has been successful on a large number of criminal and civil cases. He remains active in these issues, climate change fraud and now the Covid-19 scam. He is the organizer of weekly Kelowna (pronounced Kah–low-na) rallies, an Activist, Truth Seeker, and Educator.

Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  –




Kynthea is the Co-Founder of Global Peace Media,  Co-Host/Producer of “The Other Side of the News” and previous Producer for “The Other Side of Midnight.” 

She collaborates with pioneers of the future to create thought-provoking shows that serve as a catalyst for change to bring about a better world for all. Kynthea brings a broad insight to the discussion of the emergence of Universal Consciousness.

Together with Richard C. Hoagland, she studied the first Cydonia photos from Mars and helped organize the early Mars investigation and spear-headed several Mars Rallys at JPL in Pasedena, California. She was the first to sculpt the incredibly controversial Face on Mars…followed by numerous sequential sculptures as new data continued to arrive.

Kynthea continues to support and contribute to the on-going planetary/Mars investigations with the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team, her interest and research of Martian anomalies spans nearly 40 years.

Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  – KyntheaTimothyAnnetta


Timothy Saunders

Website: www.tsyd.com

Timothy Saunders is a British national who grew-up near to the south coast of the United Kingdom. Positively influenced by the nearby yachting and shipping scene, he chose his ideal career path at the age of ‘ten’ when he decided to become a yacht designer. He studied Industrial Design at the coveted Coventry University and is fortunate to have been chosen by many of the world’s highly revered yacht Design Studios to work on an array of live projects of different sizes, styles and uses, during what he affectionately calls his apprenticeship years. In 1999 Timothy established his independent Design Studio and rapidly became involved in originating a new generation of Super and Megayachts ranging in size from 9-270m (30-886 ft), which gained increasing positive notoriety while exhibiting his work at the Monaco Yacht Show and other prestigious venues. Timothy will see the launch of a 90m Megayacht and a 50m Super Sail yacht later this year and says, “it is very rewarding to breathe life into these innovative projects which are ultimately positive reflections of each satisfied Owner”. Timothy Saunders Yacht Design LTD continues to evolve and develop multiple iconic custom Super and Megayacht projects for local and international clients.

Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  – KyntheaTimothyAnnetta


Annetta Driskell

Annetta’s ‘Patrick Henry’ Telegram Channel:


Annetta Driskell, is a renaissance woman with her feet firmly planted both in the real world and in the realm of Spirit. 
Annetta was a fine art major in college and partnered in a design specifying firm. She was an electromechanical engineer in R&D, served in the US Army, has worked in a myriad of varied fields from cooking to carpentry.
Her father was a biomedical scientist and inventor, her mother a medical professional. Growing up the conversation around the dining table focused on leading-edge ideas, research, science, medicine, culture, and the arts while enjoying a well prepared global cuisine.
Annetta is a Medical  Intuitive who has helped many people find health through the maze of mysterious immune-suppressed conditions. She uses her ability to look beneath the tangled, often incorrect diagnosis, analyze data from medical tests, listen to her client’s histories, stories, to ferret out the hidden patterns and sources of disease. Annetta utilizes her intuition and applies her knowledge of medicine, herbs, food as medicine, and how the body works to empower her clients to make wise choices on their path to health and vitality.


Guest Page
Fast links to Items:  DavidKyntheaTimothyAnnetta
Fast links to Bios:  David  – KyntheaTimothyAnnetta