Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Show Items
John’s Items:
2. The Deadly Gates 1918 Vaccine
Did the so-called “Spanish flu” actually begin at Fort Riley, Kansas by an experimental inoculation of U.S. Army soldiers in 1918? Would you believe that the doctor who administered the deadly vaccines in 1918 was named “Gates”? – Dr. Frederick L. Gates.
3. Hilarious COVID Data Scams
Be prepared to laugh all the way through this 13-minute video. Highlights include a motorcycle-accident death ruled COVID-caused. Also, previous case and death numbers saved from months ago are NOW being released and counted as current to create the illusion of a sudden surge in COVID infections even though the virus-infection season ended months ago. It would be funny if not that the medical tyranny now being imposed is so disastrous.
4. Inka Wisdom from the Central Sun
5. Solar Shamanism Webinar
Experience a two-day webinar to connect with the inner, Central Sun – August 1 & 2, 2020. Discounted registration may be extended beyond July 25. Full-refunds will be available any time before the start of the webinar at 1 P.M. PST, August 1, 2020.
6. John is the author of “The Mystic Way of Radiant Love.”
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Kynthea’s Items:
1. WHO will own YOU? What Will Be Required For You To Move in Society and travel 2021 Forward (1013)
2. WITHDRAWN: 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells
HERE IS THE CENSORED MedPub.gov article that ties 5G to Covid-19:
3. Download Face Mask Exempt Card
5. Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 18, 2020, #258 ( Dane Wigington )
6. Dear humans: Face Masks Don’t Work; the study-review published by CDC-by-cdc/
7. Naughty Mass Media
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Andrew’s Items:
1. Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year:
2. Data Comparison
3. Playing a Fiddle as the City Burns:
4. B.C. launches day passes for six parks amid COVID-19 crowding concerns:
5. Protesters take stage at Toronto mayor’s news conference, demand stop of tenant evictions:
6. Consequences of the Lockdown:
7. A Fly in the Globalist Ointment: LOCAL CURRENCIES:
8. B.C. care home at centre of COVID-19 outbreak was also target of hoax – BC:
9. How They Are Lying to Enslave Us:
10. You Can Send Messages:
11. Smashing Fake News: Washington Post settles $250M suit with Covington teen Nick Sandmann
12. An Ancient Japanese Shrine Debuts a Buddhist Robot
13. The Church of Artificial Intelligence: A Religion in Need of a Responsible Theology
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Timothy’s Items:
1.0 Dr. Vernon Coleman
1.1 Why is YouTube Protecting Government Lies?
1.2 We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History
1.3 Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose
1.4 How to Survive in the Lunatic Land of the Coronavirus Hoax
1.5 How They Are Lying to Enslave Us
1.6 The Forces of Evil Are Gathering
2.0 Dollar Vigilante
2.1 Cornholio Started as a Virus and Turned Into an IQ Test
2.2 MUST SEE: Over 50 million Americans caught this virus in the last 6 months! And its not COVAIDS!
2.3 Silver Breaks $20, Federal Reserve Goes Zimbabwe and the Truth About the Medical System
2.4 Silver Skyrockets, Peak Statism in Commiefornia and Lebanon in Full Collapse
Banned Alternative: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4LjBQP3u8WiG/
2.5 The Dollar Vigilante
The Most Scared Generation in History… plus Shocking Info from the National Institute of Health
3.0 Zed Pheonix
3.1 Covid 19: Health Passport Update & Censorship
4.0 Larken Rose
You Tube Stupidity
5.0 Dr. Pam Popper
5.1 The Resistance and Staying Sane During COVID
5.2 COVID Nonsense and Lockdown Stories
5.3 Fake Data And What’s Coming (This is Really Frightening)
5.4 Consequences of the Lockdown
6.0 Richie Allen Show
6.1 Monday
6.2 Tuesday
6.3 Wednesday
6.4 Thursday
6.5 Friday
Max Igan / Crow House
8.0 The Corbett Report
How Do I Wake Up My Friends and Family? – Questions For Corbett
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think
The Solaris Report
No More Fake News / Jon Rappoport
11.0 Joseph P. Farrel
Dr Rashid A Buttar
Be aware of this!! This will change us from how we evolve
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Annetta’s Items:
1. They Tried to Warn Us Psychological Warfare/Subversion
1963 interview with Malcolm X and a 1984 interview with Yuri Bezmenov of the KGB outlining the methods of Psychological Manipulation and Preparation.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
John R. Francis
John R. Francis is a retired college mathematics professor who specialized in statistics and experimental design. He also has degrees in physics and psychology. In the early 1970’s he served in the Pacific Seventh Fleet as a U.S. Naval Officer aboard a guided missile destroyer.
In 1975 he had a profound near-death experience that permanently expanded his mind out of its previous limited, rational boundaries. He now views life as a highly purposeful and multidimensional, evolutionary expression of one universal consciousness.
His areas of metaphysical expertise include sacred geometry, spiritual self-defense and heart-centered meditation. Furthermore, he has deciphered numerical codes that unlock the deepest secrets of key religious scriptures. John is the author of “The Mystic Way of Radiant Love.”
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Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Kynthea is the Co-Founder of Global Peace Media, Co-Host/Producer of “The Other Side of the News” and previous Producer for “The Other Side of Midnight.”
She collaborates with pioneers of the future to create thought-provoking shows that serve as a catalyst for change to bring about a better world for all. Kynthea brings a broad insight to the discussion of the emergence of Universal Consciousness.
Together with Richard C. Hoagland, she studied the first Cydonia photos from Mars and helped organize the early Mars investigation and spear-headed several Mars Rallys at JPL in Pasedena, California. She was the first to sculpt the incredibly controversial Face on Mars…followed by numerous sequential sculptures as new data continued to arrive.
Kynthea continues to support and contribute to the on-going planetary/Mars investigations with the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team, her interest and research of Martian anomalies spans nearly 40 years.
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Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Andrew Currie
Andrew A. Currie began his artistic career as a community public artist, working with neighbourhood groups to create murals in schools and community centres. As a graphic designer and illustrator, he serviced small to large Canadian companies. For the past decade, he has worked as a storyboard artist and concept illustrator in film and television, and in commercial tv advertising. Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of British Columbia, a diploma in graphic design and illustration, and a Masters in Art Therapy.
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Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Timothy Saunders
Website: www.tsyd.com
Timothy Saunders is a British national who grew-up near to the south coast of the United Kingdom. Positively influenced by the nearby yachting and shipping scene, he chose his ideal career path at the age of ‘ten’ when he decided to become a yacht designer. He studied Industrial Design at the coveted Coventry University and is fortunate to have been chosen by many of the world’s highly revered yacht Design Studios to work on an array of live projects of different sizes, styles and uses, during what he affectionately calls his apprenticeship years. In 1999 Timothy established his independent Design Studio and rapidly became involved in originating a new generation of Super and Megayachts ranging in size from 9-270m (30-886 ft), which gained increasing positive notoriety while exhibiting his work at the Monaco Yacht Show and other prestigious venues. Timothy will see the launch of a 90m Megayacht and a 50m Super Sail yacht later this year and says, “it is very rewarding to breathe life into these innovative projects which are ultimately positive reflections of each satisfied Owner”. Timothy Saunders Yacht Design LTD continues to evolve and develop multiple iconic custom Super and Megayacht projects for local and international clients.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Annetta Driskell
Annetta Driskell, is a renaissance woman with her feet firmly planted both in the real world and in the realm of Spirit.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: John – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Annetta