by Thea | Dec 29, 2023 | Antarctica, Armed Forces / Navy / Space Force, Banking / Bank Failure / Bank Collapse / Banksters, Cabal / Cabal Mafia / Global Elite / Aristocrats / Black Hats, CDC / WHO / NIH, CIA / FBI / US intelligence, Conspiracies / Deep State / Shadow Government, Constitution / Constitutional Rights / Law, Crimes Against Humanity, Economics / World Economy / Global Economy / World Economic Collapse, Immigration, Middle East Politics, Migrants / Illegal Aliens, Politics / World Politics, Shows, Terrorism, TOSN, Vaccines / Medical Activism / Medical Apartheid, Warfare / Energy Warfare / Weather Wars / Bio Warfare / AI Warfare / Psychological Warfare, World Affairs
TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW Guest Page | Chana Items | TOSN Telegram Chana – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith 2023 will go down in history as yet another significant year in the intended remodeling of humanity… While significant Global Events...
by Thea | Sep 7, 2023 | Communities, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Migrants / Illegal Aliens, Shows, Sociology, TOSN
Anna, reports from New York on the migrant crisis that continues to flood the streets of New York City with no official plan in sight. New York actively demonstrates how American cities are collapsing from the migrant invasion. The depopulation of Americans with the...